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AbbaTek Group-Home

Driving Sustainability Through Data


A global solution to a global problem.

Our mission is to allow for scalable and comparable research and monitoring of microplastics. We do this by applying machine learning to automate physical identification, characterization and measurement of microplastics particles, enabling repeatable results without the expertise.

Don't let details bog you down.

Physical characterization of microplastics isn't easy—we get that.
Our standalone web application can help you process, analyze, and share
your microplastics data without worrying about the nuances of
microplastics characterization.

> Reduce identification and characterization error
> No upfront investment - cost scales with your project
> Ensure alignment with best practices
> Collaborate and share with your research group
> Easily conduct quality control on data

Stop wasting time counting particles

Time is money. Manual analysis of particles is laborious, error-prone,
and most importantly—boring!

> Streamline your analytical workflow and increase sample throughput
> Ensure repeatable results across lab personnel
> Integrate directly into your LIM system for maximum efficiency
> Reduce strain on lab personnel
